It's been a few weeks since I've been back, been doing some stuff, got a job and had some time to think about the trip and what I've seen, and these are my main thoughts and reflections on it.
- Southern Africa countries are really beautiful, the landscapes are varied, extreme and wild, but it all adds to its flavor. It is really a stunning place.
- Is hard to say it, could even be chewed up for saying it, but as I've come to realize, Apartheid was nasty, disgusting and evil, not even the best words to describe it, but you get the idea, but still, South Africa's status as the best economy in Africa by far, is credited in big part to the economic policies of apartheid times. Note that I don't condone apartheid at all, I despise it. Just calling it as I see it.
- In many aspects Mexico and South Africa are similar, uneven wealth distribution, developing countries, biodiversity, natural resources, etc. However, South Africa's 1st world is much better and more developed than Mexico's. That being said, South Africa's 3rd world is much worse and more underdeveloped than Mexico's.
- South Africa has a reputation of a violent, insecure, nasty place, and while I agree that some areas )specially downtown Joburg) are very dodgy, and I met people who has been mugged, people overreacts. Most places are good enough and people can be extremely friendly, helpful and eager for conversation.
- This point comes at a bad time, since the country is in some bad racial problem right now, but my appreciation of it was that people in general is not really racist in SA. Is just that they were raised with preconceived ideas of the other race and they are only starting to realize what the others are like. There are conflicts of course, and some animosity towards each other, but is completely solvable with some good will and commitment from the parts. There is still hope.
- As good as the ANC was bringing down apartheid and uniting the country, right now is driving it down to the ground. Zuma is loosing it, and Malema is absolutely the worst thing that could happen to the country. He's gonna turn SA into a new Zimbabwe if given the chance and tools, which he is getting. A real shame.
- We all hear about African race wars and tribal conflicts, but is remarkable how most people in Africa, consider all Africans as their brothers and they see the whole continent as a single place with ties and responsibilities as a single entity.
- Namibia and Botswana are not very well known, but Namibia is one of the most beautiful and amazing places I've ever been.
- SA's soccer is really awful, the rugby though, is amazing. Super 14 is the most fun sport league in the world. Go Bokke!!
Thank you all for reading this and should you have questions, comments or anything at all to say, don't hesitate. Have a good one. I leave you with a few of the best pics I took.